Kubefeeds Team A dedicated and highly skilled team at Kubefeeds, driven by a passion for Kubernetes and Cloud-Native technologies, delivering innovative solutions with expertise and enthusiasm.

Run Kubernetes Tools Recommender System with Local LLM

2 min read


This guide introduces KRS, a powerful CLI tool designed to simplify Kubernetes cluster management. KRS offers a range of functionalities, including health checks, resource optimization, and vulnerability detection. To enhance its capabilities, we have integrated Local AI, a powerful tool that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) for in-depth analysis of your cluster.

Local AI: Your Smart Kubernetes Assistant

Local AI is a locally-run AI model that acts as your on-premises assistant for Kubernetes cluster management. Unlike cloud-based AI solutions like OpenAI, Local AI runs directly on your machine, providing several advantages:

  • Privacy: Local AI keeps your cluster data private, eliminating concerns about sensitive information leaving your infrastructure.
  • Security: By running locally, Local AI is not susceptible to potential security risks associated with cloud-based solutions.
  • Customization: You have complete control over the model and its training data, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs and environment.
  • Performance: Local AI offers faster response times compared to cloud-based solutions due to reduced latency.

Why Local AI Matters for KRS

By integrating Local AI with KRS, you gain a comprehensive and insightful solution for managing your Kubernetes cluster. Local AI empowers KRS to analyze in-depth:

  • Cluster health: Local AI can identify potential issues like resource bottlenecks, configuration errors, and security vulnerabilities.
  • Namespace health: It can pinpoint problems specific to individual namespaces, ensuring optimal resource allocation and application performance.
  • Pod logs and events: Local AI can analyze logs and events from pods, identifying errors and providing context for troubleshooting./li>

This enhanced functionality streamlines troubleshooting processes and empowers you to make informed decisions regarding your cluster’s well-being.

Also Read: Kubernetes Tools Recommender System: Your AI Copilot for Kubernetes
Also Read: Kubernetes and AI: Are They a Fit?
Also Read: OpenAI and Kubernetes: How Krs Bring them Together

Getting Started with KRS and Local AI


  • Running Kubernetes Cluster

1. Setup a Kubernetes Cluster (e.g Kind Cluster)

go install sigs.k8s.io/kind@v0.23.0 && kind create cluster 


2. Setup KRS using these commands:

git clone https://github.com/kubetoolsca/krs.git
cd krs
pip install .
krs init
krs scan

3. Check the pod and namespace status in your Kubernetes cluster, including errors.

krs health

Starting interactive terminal...

Choose the model provider for healthcheck: 

[1] OpenAI 
[2] Huggingface
[3] Local AI

>> 3
Initialization is complete.
Running: docker --version (Attempt 1/3)
Completed: docker-version
Required containers are already running.

Namespaces in the cluster:

1. default
2. kube-node-lease
3. kube-public
4. kube-system

Which namespace do you want to check the health for? Select a namespace by entering its number: >> 4

Pods in the namespace kube-system:

1. cilium-9lqbq
2. cilium-ffpct
3. cilium-pvknr
4. coredns-85f59d8784-nvr2n
5. coredns-85f59d8784-p9jcv
6. cpc-bridge-proxy-c6xzr
7. cpc-bridge-proxy-p7r4p
8. cpc-bridge-proxy-tkfrd
9. csi-do-node-hwxn7
10. csi-do-node-q27rc
11. csi-do-node-rn7dm
12. do-node-agent-6t5ms
13. do-node-agent-85r8b
14. do-node-agent-m7bvr
15. hubble-relay-74686df4df-856pj
16. hubble-ui-86cc69bddc-xc745
17. konnectivity-agent-9k8vk
18. konnectivity-agent-h5fm2
19. konnectivity-agent-kf4xh
20. kube-proxy-94945
21. kube-proxy-qgv4j
22. kube-proxy-vztzf

Which pod from kube-system do you want to check the health for? Select a pod by entering its number: >> 4

Checking status of the pod...

Extracting logs and events from the pod...

Logs and events from the pod extracted successfully!

Interactive session started. Type 'end chat' to exit from the session!

Running: docker --version (Attempt 1/3)
Completed: docker --version
Required containers are already running.

Everything looks good! The log entries are showing a few warnings and errors, but they are not alarming.

- The first error is a warning: "WARNING: no cloud provider provided, services of type LoadBalancer will fail." This means that the Kubernetes cluster does not have a cloud provider specified, and therefore cannot create LoadBalancers. This warning should be taken into consideration when deploying LoadBalancers as they cannot be created without a cloud provider.

- The second error is a failure to start the cloud node lifecycle controller. This error is due to the fact that no cloud provider is specified. Similarly, the cloud-node-lifecycle-controller cannot be started without a cloud provider.

- The third error is regarding the informer. The resyncCheckPeriod is smaller than the resyncPeriod, which means that the informer has already started. Changing the resyncPeriod to 16h0m39.124394393s will solve this issue.
To resolve the issues, you would need to either specify a cloud provider or modify the informer values. 

If you have specified a cloud provider, you can modify the values to be in sync with the selected cloud provider. If you have not specified a cloud provider, you can add one by following the instructions in the Kubernetes documentation. As for the informer, changing the resyncPeriod value to 16h0m39.124394393s should solve the issue.

>>You: end chat



By incorporating Local AI with KRS, you gain a powerful and secure solution for managing your Kubernetes cluster. Local AI’s on-premises nature provides privacy, security, and customization, while its analytical capabilities empower KRS to deliver valuable insights and recommendations for a healthy and efficient Kubernetes environment.

Kubefeeds Team A dedicated and highly skilled team at Kubefeeds, driven by a passion for Kubernetes and Cloud-Native technologies, delivering innovative solutions with expertise and enthusiasm.