Sidecar container simplified examples

A sidecar container is commonly used in real-world applications to augment the functionality of the primary container. And here we will see some...

3 min read

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Fixing Expired Certificates In Kubernetes

By default, when you setup your Kubernetes cluster, the certificates expires after one year. If it’s been a while since you...
Kubefeeds Team
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Mastering kubectl logs – A DevOps Engineer’s Guide

Introduction What is kubectl logs? kubectl logs fetches logs from containers in Kubernetes pods to debug and monitor applications. These streams...
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K3D: Monitoring Your Service using Kubernetes Dashboard or Octant

K3D is a lightweight wrapper around k3s that allows you to run Kubernetes clusters inside Docker containers. While K3D is widely...
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Heroku Moved Twelve-Factor Apps to Open Source. What’s Next?

SALT LAKE CITY — In November, Heroku announced that it had open sourced the development methodology Twelve-Factor Apps. The company had...

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Kubernetes Network (5) — Ingress and NodePort

Last article we talk about the two main traffic control in Kubernetes: Ingress and the NetworkPolicy. However for expose to external...
Kubefeeds Team
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Open Source Is Not Local Source, and the Case for Global Cooperation

Despite the abundance of warm-fuzzy articles focused on open source’s achievements throughout 2024, a cold wind blows over its future. Few...

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Build a Serverless Todo App With AWS, Pulumi and Python

Developers charged with building modern, scalable applications often face the burden of having to learn new skills, but there are alternatives...

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Unlocking cloud native security with Cilium and eBPF

Ambassador post originally published on by Syed Asad Raza Introduction 🌐🔒🚀 As cloud-native applications scale, securing workloads while maintaining performance...

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Asas Kubernetes – Hari 1. Apa itu Kubernetes

Antara sumber terbuka yang mendapat tinggi pengiktirafan ialah projek Kubernetes Kubernetes (biasanya disingkatkan sebagai K8s) adalah platform sumber terbuka yang pada...

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Kubernets Storage Demos

In my previous post, shows the basic concepts for Storage in kubernetes, here I want to use some simplified demos to...

1 min read

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