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KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2025 co-located event deep dive: OpenTofu Day Europe

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Chair: Sebastian Stadil
April 1, 2025


OpenTofu Day is the best place to connect with the OpenTofu community. It’s a fantastic place to talk shop with other infrastructure or platform engineers, trade stories, discuss best practices, and maybe even hire / be hired. OpenTofu is the open source continuation of Hashicorp® Terraform™. The very first of these events was in 2024 at KubeCon in Paris. It was an incredible place to start!

Who will get the most out of attending this event?

The OpenTofu Day schedule is built around the assumption that the audience has prior experience with OpenTofu, Terraform, or other infrastructure as code. Having this experience is not required to attend, but it will definitely help to get the most out of the event.

As such, it is best for DevOps engineers, platform engineers, and infrastructure leadership, especially for those looking to migrate from Terraform in 2025.

What is new and different this year?

This year we received double the amount of proposals from last year, and the quality of the content continues to be stellar. This year we focus less on what it took to get the project off the ground, and more on what is in store for the community, and sharing community experiences with the project in production.

What will the day look like?

The event kicks off with a summary of the progress of the project, new features, growth, and new additions to the core team. Then we have the devs expand on that with a live panel, followed by community members sharing their experiences and learned lessons with the project.

Should I do any homework first?

It would be best if they downloaded and used OpenTofu, even better if they migrated from Terraform. Second to that, it would be great if attendees started planning for a migration, and have questions related to it.

Find your community!

Big thank you to Env0, Gruntwork, Harness, Scalr, Spacelift, the 180+ individuals that have committed code to the project, and the 1000+ that have contributed via ideas, votes, and comments. 

Submitted by Sebastian Stadil, who noted that London has amazing food and they’re all definitely looking forward to hanging out with the OpenTofu community post event!

Published inKubernetesTechnology

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