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K8sGPT Cheatsheet

K8sGPT is an AI-powered diagnostic tool for Kubernetes clusters that helps identify and solve issues using natural language processing. This cheatsheet provides a quick reference for common K8sGPT commands and operations.

Want to try it now? Do check out my step by step interactive tutorial on K8sGPT here:


Method Command
Homebrew brew tap k8sgpt-ai/k8sgpt && brew install k8sgpt
Binary Download from GitHub Releases
Krew kubectl krew install k8sgpt
Go go install

Basic Commands

Operation Command Description
Version k8sgpt version Display the current version of K8sGPT
Help k8sgpt --help Show help information
Authentication k8sgpt auth Configure authentication for AI providers
Analyze k8sgpt analyze Run analysis on your Kubernetes cluster
List k8sgpt list List all analyses that have been performed
Serve k8sgpt serve Start K8sGPT in server mode
Filters k8sgpt filters Show and manage resource filters


Operation Command Description
Configure Provider k8sgpt auth --provider Set the AI provider (openai, azure, etc.)
Set API key k8sgpt auth --apikey Configure your AI provider API key
Set Model k8sgpt auth --model Set the AI model to use
Configure Context k8sgpt auth --context Set the Kubernetes context

Analysis Options

Operation Command Description
Basic Analysis k8sgpt analyze Run analysis on all resources
Filter by Namespace k8sgpt analyze --namespace Analyze resources in specific namespace
Filter by Kind k8sgpt analyze --filter Analyze only specific resource types
Specify Kubeconfig k8sgpt analyze --kubeconfig Use specific kubeconfig file
Set Severity k8sgpt analyze --threshold Filter by minimum severity (0-10)
Generate YAML k8sgpt analyze --explain yaml Generate explanation in YAML format
Generate JSON k8sgpt analyze --explain json Generate explanation in JSON format
Cache Results k8sgpt analyze --cache Enable caching of results
Max Results k8sgpt analyze --max-results Limit number of results

Filter Management

Operation Command Description
List Filters k8sgpt filters list Show all active filters
Add Filter k8sgpt filters add Add resource kind to filter list
Remove Filter k8sgpt filters remove Remove resource kind from filter list
Reset Filters k8sgpt filters reset Reset all filters to default

Integration Options

Integration Command/Reference Description
Kubectl Plugin kubectl k8sgpt analyze Use as kubectl plugin
Kubernetes Operator k8sgpt-operator Deploy as an operator
Prometheus Integration k8sgpt serve --metrics Expose Prometheus metrics
Slack Integration Configure via .k8sgpt.yaml Send results to Slack

Example Workflows

Task Command Sequence Description
Quick Troubleshooting k8sgpt analyze Run a full cluster analysis
Focused Analysis k8sgpt analyze --filter Pod --namespace app Analyze only Pods in the app namespace
Continuous Monitoring k8sgpt serve Run in server mode for continuous analysis
CI/CD Integration k8sgpt analyze --explain json --output file.json Generate machine-readable output for CI/CD

Advanced Configuration (.k8sgpt.yaml)

  provider: openai
  model: gpt-4
  apikey: your-api-key-here
  backend: http://localhost:8080
  temperature: 0.7
  - Pod
  - Deployment
  - StatefulSet
  context: my-cluster-context
  kubeconfig: /path/to/kubeconfig

Supported Resource Kinds

Category Resource Kinds
Workloads Pod, Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet, ReplicaSet, Job, CronJob
Services Service, Ingress, NetworkPolicy
Config ConfigMap, Secret, HorizontalPodAutoscaler
Storage PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim, StorageClass
RBAC Role, RoleBinding, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, ServiceAccount
Custom CustomResourceDefinition, plus most custom resources

Tips and Best Practices

  • Start with a broad analysis and then narrow down with filters
  • Use the –explain yaml option for sharing analysis results with team members
  • Configure multiple AI providers as fallbacks
  • Set appropriate severity thresholds for your environment
  • Integrate with monitoring tools for continuous analysis
Published inKubernetesTechnology

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