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Falcoctl: Artifact Management for Falco

Artifact management is the process of storing, organising, and securing the essential components generated throughout software development. Cloudsmith defines artifacts as the tangible outputs of the development lifecycle, including compiled source code, libraries, executables, and configuration files.

Examples of Artifacts

Artifacts include a wide range of software components, such as compiled code like JAR files, binaries, and Docker images. This also extends to configuration files like YAML and JSON, as well as packages and dependencies such as Helm charts, Python wheels, and npm modules.

Without a centralised system, these artifacts can become disorganised, leading to inefficiencies and security risks. This is why artifact management is critical for CNCF projects like Falco, which handle a variety of artifacts such as rule files and plugins. Effective artifact management through falcoctl ensures streamlined DevOps pipelines by automating the storage, versioning, and distribution of Falco rules. Falcoctl is a command-line tool designed to simplify the process of handling these components, ensuring efficient deployment and maintenance. 

The output below illustrates how Falcoctl interacts with artifacts, enabling users to manage rules and plugins effectively.

❯ falcoctl --help

     __       _                _   _
    / _| __ _| | ___ ___   ___| |_| |
   | |_ / _  | |/ __/ _  / __| __| |
   |  _| (_| | | (_| (_) | (__| |_| |
   |_|  __,_|_|______/ ___|__|_|
The official CLI tool for working with Falco and its ecosystem components.

  falcoctl [command]

Available Commands:
  artifact    Interact with Falco artifacts
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help with any command
  index       Interact with index
  registry    Interact with OCI registries
  tls         Generate and install TLS material for Falco
  version     Print the falcoctl version information

With falcoctl, users can search for existing artifacts within specific registries. These registries store artifacts in a format compatible with the Open Container Initiative (OCI) standard, allowing falcoctl to interact seamlessly with any OCI-compliant registry. The official registry for Falco artifacts is GitHub Packages. 

After completing the setup, we can use falcoctl to search for available artifacts with the following command:

❯ sudo falcoctl artifact search falco

falcosecurity	falco-rules	rulesfile	ghcr.io 	      falcosecurity/rules/falco-rules

❯ sudo falcoctl artifact search kubernetes

INDEX           ARTIFACT        TYPE            REGISTRY        REPOSITORY
falcosecurity   k8saudit        plugin          ghcr.io         falcosecurity/plugins/plugin/k8saudit
falcosecurity   k8saudit-rules  rulesfile       ghcr.io         falcosecurity/plugins/ruleset/k8saudit

Setting up a Falcoctl Artifact

Let’s push a rules file into an OCI registry. First create a rules file

cat << 'EOF' | sudo tee ./custom_rules.yaml
- list: falco_binaries
  items: [falcoctl]

Login to the registry and then push that single rules file to the registry.

nigel@falco:/etc/falcoctl# falcoctl registry auth basic nigel_registry -u 'nigel' -p 'password'
2025-02-28 13:34:43 INFO  Login succeeded registry: nigel_registry user: nigel

While OCI registries are commonly linked to container image storage, their capabilities extend far beyond that. They support a diverse range of OCI-compliant artifacts, and as adoption increases, we will likely see them become a standard for managing various software components across the development lifecycle.

export OCI_REGISTRY=nigel_registry
export OCI_REPOSITORY=nigel_repo/falco-rules
export RULESET_FILE=custom_rules.yaml

falcoctl registry push 
    --config /dev/null 
    --type rulesfile 
    --version ${OCI_ARTIFACT_VERSION} 

After pushing the single rules file, we get the below output for that artifact:

2025-02-28 13:35:19 INFO  Preparing to push artifact

2025-02-28 13:35:19 INFO  Preparing to push artifact
                      ├ name: nigel_registry/nigel_repo/falco-rules:latest
                      └ type: rulesfile
2025-02-28 13:35:19 ERROR open custom_rules.yaml: no such file or directory 

nigel@falco:/etc/falcoctl# cd 
nigel@falco:~# falcoctl registry push     --config /dev/null     --type rulesfile     --version 

2025-02-28 13:35:19 INFO  Preparing to push artifact
                      ├ name: nigel_registry/nigel_repo/falco-rules:latest
                      └ type: rulesfile
2025-02-28 13:35:19 INFO  Parsing dependencies from:  rulesfile: custom_rules.yaml
2025-02-28 13:35:19 WARN  No dependencies were provided by the user and none were found in the
                      │   rulesfile.
2025-02-28 13:35:19 INFO  Parsing requirements from:  rulesfile: custom_rules.yaml
2025-02-28 13:35:19 WARN  No requirements were provided by the user and none were found in the
                      │   rulesfile.
2025-02-28 13:35:19 INFO  Pushing layer d5c35695420a 
2025-02-28 13:35:20 INFO  97c38f4c17c8: layer already exists                                    
2025-02-28 13:35:20 INFO  Pushing layer c891d7815e0a 
2025-02-28 13:35:20 INFO  Artifact pushed                                                       
                      ├ name: nigel_registry/nigel_repo/falco-rules:latest
                      ├ type: rulesfile
                      └ digest: sha256:c891d7815e0a30a1a73e026aea4603503b0a12df9bc8b7efc38f61de2d77bd6b


Install your first Artifact

We can install the Default Falco Rules file as our first artifact.

❯ sudo falcoctl artifact install falco-rules

 INFO  Reading all configured index files from "/root/.config/falcoctl/indexes.yaml"
 INFO  Resolving dependencies ...
 INFO  Installing the following artifacts: [ghcr.io/falcosecurity/rules/falco-rules:latest]
 INFO  Preparing to pull "ghcr.io/falcosecurity/rules/falco-rules:latest"
 INFO  Pulling ad24f8acf278: ############################################# 100%
 INFO  Pulling 0d3705a4650f: ############################################# 100%
 INFO  Pulling 0957c1ef3fe4: ############################################# 100%
 INFO  Artifact successfully installed in "/etc/falco"

Version Control Your Artifacts

By default, the most recent version is used, but you can install a specific version by specifying a tag, such as:

❯ sudo falcoctl artifact info falco-rules

REF                                    	TAGS  
ghcr.io/falcosecurity/rules/falco-rules	0.0.0 0.1.0-rc1 0.1.0 0.1.0 latest

Official artifacts include floating tags, allowing you to reference versions dynamically. For example, 0 refers to the latest 0.x.x release, while 0.5 refers to the latest 0.5.x release.

You can also explore the different versions and tags available directly on GitHub Packages [here]. For organizations seeking to automate updates and consistently use the most recent version of a particular package, Falcoctl’s daemon mode allows it to regularly check artifact repositories and automatically install new versions. This functionality can be configured within the /etc/falcoctl/falcoctl.yaml manifest.

As software systems grow in complexity, effective package management becomes essential. Platforms like Cloudsmith provide robust support for various package and container types, offering native ingress and egress to ensure full visibility into deployed artifacts across development and production environments.

In the case of Falco and falcoctl, the official Falco repository utilises Github Packages, which are available for free with any public GitHub repository. Packages can be thought of as structured bundles that include both compiled code and metadata detailing how they should be used. While all packages are a type of artifact, not all artifacts are considered packages.


With falcoctl, users can now modify Falco rules as OCI artifacts, making it easier to store, retrieve, and manage them in private or public container registries. This approach enhances flexibility, security, and version control, ensuring that DevOps teams have a structured and reliable way to manage critical security components.

The Falco community recognises the importance of staying ahead of evolving security threats. By adopting OCI artifacts, maintainers have created a more efficient, scalable, and controlled system for managing and delivering Falco rules.For more details on integrating Falco rules into GitOps workflows, check out the [official blog post]. To explore how Universal Artifact Management can enhance cloud-native security and operations, visit this [Cloudsmith blog post].