Home / Technology / Boost Your CI/CD Pipeline: Automate Docker With GitHub Actions

Boost Your CI/CD Pipeline: Automate Docker With GitHub Actions

In this guide, we will get deeper into automating Docker workflows with GitHub Actions — just clear steps that get you up and running. Automation is necessary with the rise of cloud-native development and the growing complexity of CI/CD pipelines. GitHub Actions provides a seamless way to integrate Docker into your workflows, reducing manual effort and improving deployment speed.

Let’s get started!

How To Set Up GitHub Actions for Docker

Let’s get straight into setting up GitHub Actions. The first thing you need to do is create a workflow file. It’s a simple YAML file placed in .github/workflows/your repo.

Step 1: Create the Workflow File

  1. Go to your repo.
  2. Create a folder called .github if it doesn’t already exist.
  3. Inside that, create a folder called workflows.
  4. Create a file called docker.yml (or anything you like) in .github/workflows/.

Here’s the basic structure of your docker.yml file:

name: Docker Workflow

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Check out code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Set up Docker Buildx
        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1

      - name: Build Docker Image
        run: docker build -t myapp:${{ github.sha }} .
      - name: Push Docker Image
        run: |
          echo ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} | docker login --username ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} --password-stdin
          docker push myapp:${{ github.sha }}

The above YAML file automates the build. Further, it pushes your Docker image whenever changes are moved to the main branch.

Self-Hosted vs. GitHub-Hosted Runners

There are two options available for executing your workflow:

The GitHub-hosted runners are the default option. The setup is relatively maintenance-free and handy from your side.

With self-hosted runners, the user has complete control over the workflow execution machines. While this method provides increased flexibility, it requires ongoing maintenance.

GitHub-hosted runners will be the preferred solution for most users. Since they work best for Docker builds.

Automating Docker Image Builds

Let’s say you’ve pushed some new code. Now, you want to automate building your Docker image. Here’s how you can do that.

Step 2: Build the Docker Image Automatically

You’ll use the docker build command in the GitHub Actions workflow file to build your Docker image automatically.

For example, inside your docker.yml file:

- name: Build Docker image
  run: docker build -t myapp:${{ github.sha }} .

The mentioned command will create a Docker image and tag it with the commit SHA (${{ github.sha }}). It makes sure each image is uniquely tagged with the commit ID.

Step 3: Tagging Docker Images Dynamically

You’ll probably want to tag your images in a meaningful way. For example, by branch name and maybe with a version tag. You can do this with GitHub Actions variables:

- name: Build and tag Docker image
  run: docker build -t myapp:${{ github.sha }} -t myapp:${{ github.ref }} .

In this example:

  • ${{ github.sha }} tags the image with a unique commit hash.
  • ${{ github.ref }} tags it with the branch name (e.g., refs/heads/main).

It makes your images easy to track and identify.

Pushing to Docker Hub or GHCR

Now that you’ve built the image, the next step is to push it to a container registry, such as Docker Hub or GitHub Container Registry (GHCR).

Step 4: Set Up Secure Authentication

First, you’ll need to authenticate Docker to push the image. Since you don’t want to expose your credentials directly in the YAML file, GitHub Secrets is your friend here.

Go to your GitHub repo’s Settings > Secrets and add two secrets:


Then, in your workflow file, you’ll use these secrets to log in to your Docker:

- name: Log in to Docker Hub
  run: |
  echo ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} | docker login --username ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} --password-stdin

Step 5: Push the Image to Docker Hub or GHCR

Finally, after logging in, push your Docker image:

- name: Push Docker image to Docker Hub
  run: docker push myapp:${{ github.sha }}

The YAML code pushes your image to Docker Hub. Moreover, you can swap this out for GHCR if that’s your choice.

Multi-Arch Builds With QEMU and Buildx

Your existing workflow must support several machine architectures, such as ARM and x86. It allows prop-up hardware operations ranging from Raspberry Pi (ARM-based) devices to cloud-based servers (x86-based). At this phase, the combination of QEMU+Buildx inside GitHub Actions is handy.

Step 6: Set Up Multi-Arch Builds

First, you must set up QEMU and Buildx in your workflow file.

Here’s what that looks like:

- name: Set up QEMU
  uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v2

- name: Set up Buildx
  uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1

- name: Build multi-arch Docker image
  run: |
    docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t myapp:${{ github.sha }} .

This will build images for both amd64 (standard desktop/server architecture) and arm64 (used by Raspberry Pi and some cloud servers).

Security Improvements: Scanning Images for Vulnerabilities

Security is always top of mind. You don’t want to push images that have vulnerabilities.

Step 7: Scan Docker Images for Vulnerabilities

You can integrate security tools like Trivy, and Snyk into your GitHub Actions to scan your images during the build process. Here’s an example using Trivy:

- name: Scan Docker image for vulnerabilities
  run: |
    trivy image myapp:${{ github.sha }}
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi

If Trivy detects vulnerabilities, the build will fail. This ensures only secure images get pushed.

Automating Deployments

You’ve built your Docker image and must now push it to the registry. Now, it’s time to deploy it.

Step 8: Deploy to Kubernetes

Using GitHub Actions, you can easily deploy your Docker image to a Kubernetes cluster. Here’s is how;

- name: Deploy to Kubernetes
  uses: appleboy/kubernetes-action@v0.1.0
    kubeconfig: ${{ secrets.KUBECONFIG }}
    context: ${{ secrets.K8S_CONTEXT }}
    command: kubectl set image deployment/myapp myapp=myapp:${{ github.sha }}

The action updates the Kubernetes deployment with the latest image tagged with ${{ github.sha }}.


Automating your Docker workflows with GitHub Actions can dramatically improve your development pipeline, reliability, and security. So you now have an automated pipeline with no manual intervention that builds Docker images, gets them pushed to a registry, scans them for known vulnerabilities, and deploys them to your environment.

The best part? You can do it all directly from GitHub with just a few lines of YAML with just a few lines of YAML. So, whether you’re pushing code, testing images, or deploying to prod, GitHub Actions has you covered.

So, are you ready to take the plunge? Begin automating your Docker workflows now! For a complete working demo, look at the GitHub repository.

The post Boost Your CI/CD Pipeline: Automate Docker With GitHub Actions appeared first on The New Stack.