Home / Technology / Alibaba, Datadog, and Quesma Join Forces on Go Compile-Time Instrumentation

Alibaba, Datadog, and Quesma Join Forces on Go Compile-Time Instrumentation

Standards are only useful if they’re widely adopted, and adoption is only effective if the available tooling facilitates it. I imagine SI units would not have been too popular when they were introduced if you had to build your own scales to weigh things in Kilograms!

If you use OpenTelemetry in Go, you’ll be familiar with the challenges of configuring instrumentation libraries to automatically generate telemetry from well-known open source components. Due to the compiled nature of the language, you currently have two options1:

For different reasons, it is possible that none of those options is viable, or optimal, in your environment. However, things are about to change!

Industry collaboration at the heart of open standards

Over the past few months, OpenTelemetry has received not one, but two donation proposals from industry leaders to provide a solution to the problem described above, and enable the use of zero-code, vendor-neutral, compile-time instrumentation in Go applications. These are:

We are very grateful to Alibaba and Datadog for these donation proposals. This continues to demonstrate the convergence of the wider industry towards the standards defined by OpenTelemetry.

Compile-time instrumentation leverages the standard Go toolchain’s -toolexecmechanism to re-write Go source code before it is passed to the Go compiler, adding instrumentation in all relevant places (including dependencies as well as the Go standard library).

The most exciting part of this announcement is that it won’t be Alibaba’s or Datadog’s solution that “wins”. In the true spirit of open source collaboration, these two organizations have decided to join forces and commit the necessary resources to bootstrap a new Go Compile-Time Instrumentation SIG, with the intention of providing a unified, vendor-neutral approach that picks the best aspects of each solution and benefits the community as a whole. They will be supported with further contributions from Quesma, bringing in experience on instrgen, OpenTelemetry’s initial experimental approach to provide Go compile-time instrumentation based on -toolexec and which will be superseded as part of the initial efforts of this SIG.

In the longer term, this SIG will focus on:

  • Developing compiler plugins or enhancements that inject instrumentation code automatically, ensuring minimal runtime performance overhead and compatibility with existing Go projects.
  • Providing standardized instrumentation patterns aligned with OpenTelemetry and other monitoring frameworks.

If you are interested in contributing, or you simply want to find out more, here’s some useful information about the SIG:

We look forward to seeing this new SIG in operation, and cannot wait for the fruits of this awesome collaboration!

  1. Unless you want to “build your own scales”, or the OTel equivalent, which is manually instrumenting third-party libraries. ↩︎