This week, I focused on GitOps – a powerful approach for managing infrastructure and applications declaratively using Git as the single source of truth.
🔍 Key Learnings & Implementations:
✅ GitOps Project Architecture
Structuring GitHub repositories for Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Configuring GitHub Secrets for secure workflows 🔒
✅ Terraform-based Infrastructure Automation
Terraform Code Development for cloud resources
Staging & Main Workflow Pipelines for Terraform automation
✅ CI/CD for Kubernetes (EKS) using GitOps
GitHub Actions Workflows for app & infra deployment
Vprofile Application Code Workflow 🖥️
Docker Build & Publish to container registry 🐳
Automated Deployment to AWS EKS ☸️
✅ Efficient Infrastructure Management
Automated Cleanup to optimize cloud costs & resources
📌 Hands-on Projects Implemented:
Complete GitOps-driven deployment for a cloud-native application
End-to-end Terraform & GitHub Actions Workflow
🔗 Project Links:
Learning GitOps has been an eye-opener! The ability to manage infrastructure declaratively while ensuring reproducibility, automation, and security is a game-changer for modern DevOps. 🚀
Next up: Advanced Kubernetes Helm Charts & Observability! Stay tuned! 😃
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